By spaceman
Date: 2003 Apr 05
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How Can She Know?

Love feels sometimes
like a stranglehold
like fingers locked around my
throat, choking my last breath.
It's like a steel cage
like floors and walls made of bars
she puts up
to protect me from myself.

But there is no caging
the animal within me
there is a beast raging
and slamming against the walls
she has built between me
and what's "not good" for me,
but how can one know
what is inside the head of another?
How can she know my need
my ache
this burgeoning hell
I am forced to inhabit  
to keep her?
How can she know
that I lie awake at night
and count tiles in the ceiling
in English, then Spanish, then French
trying to stop myself from lurching
from the bed to get the one thing
that will let me sleep...
but in the morning she would know
and I would have failed again
in her eyes,
but how can she know
what this costs?