By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2003 Apr 08
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You called again tonight
told me I have
a halo and wings
that only others can see
I fail to see my own self worth

I could hear the bitterness
in your voice
you told me
I hurt you innocently
when I fell in love with "HIM"

I could hear
your chuckle of satisfaction
when I said
"HIM" doesn't exist anymore
I was fooled by
smooth words
false plans

you said
you miss me
but it is time you move on
and in the same breath
you said you
would wait for me
for as long as it takes
for me to get my head on straight

I am not sure why you called
to tell me
you hate me
you love me

how can I get my head on straight
when your merry-go-round
of words
makes me
disoriented and dizzy