By Rennie Lorca aka a Blenderite
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 Apr 12
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For years, I've sincerely read other Blenderites here. Each time, I feel better to see the sharing. So I'll share what I've learned if you care to read me. Two things are very important in life. One is love, the kind that we share after first learning to love ourself enough to show the real one to the world. The other is communication. Without it, we lob bombs and shoot bullets, and we hurl hateful, fearful, damaging words.

Communication works two ways. It is not preaching from some pulpit, or lectures from some teacher's desk. Some of that preps us in better ways to listen and learn. It is what we've learned to do in writing back and forth on the internet, in chats, on our phones. One quits communicating, and the other doesn't listen, and there is no more communication.

As long as we continue to reach out, not strut our stuff, or shine our bodies and cars, there is someone out there who will believe in us and want to love us for who we really are. They listen to what once hurt us so they don't do it again. They find out our favorite colors and flavors to try and please. We may or may not give them a chance.

"Just give me a chance." That was all my fella asked of me. Just to give him a chance. It wasn't that he wasn't beautiful to me, a handsome man anyone could want. Manners, but very real in telling it like it is, so to speak. It was that I was so afraid of ever being close again that I was willing to keep going. After so many years, I was certain I could live with myself. BUT, he had worked hard on what he had inside, and he knew it.

So had I, and I knew it. So something reasonable in a request, we gave each other a chance after that recognition. We had gone years searching for each other, what we had inside to share, and almost missed out from fear and pride. However, we worked hard at communicating. Thank goodness for that ability.

You think it is easy? That once it is accomplished the first time, it is a snap from now on? Far from it! But we work on it together. Life together is worth working on. And if it doesn't come together every night, it does in real friendship. Either way, it is a win-win situation. But all work and no play makes love an obligation -- remember that.

We all have emotional or physical scars, some we hide or sport to remind us of hurts, abuses and losses. There are those who abuse, and those who abuse themselves, and all seem to have regrets to write about. Beware the person with no baggage, no scars or wrinkles, and few words. They are traveling light and can hit and run, move on too easily. They are like Hollywood makeovers and the royal wave. It's meant for the masses, not exclusively for you.

I've read about those who "cut" to work through some pain. I guess you think I don't know how it feels to deal with scars, but I do, from a different way. I've had so many surgeries all over my body that I look like a patchwork quilt. I am no longer afraid of war because I've had my own battles with cancer over and over again, even agreed to be "nuked" to kill it off, and almost me in the process. I've survived, even thrived and found love still deep inside myself after dissappointments and faux triumphs.

The one who loves me sees past scars, boney body to fat, to one who is trying, no longer dying. And, we are both happy with that. It feels good to be alive in whatever body we've got since we've come to share a oneness with each other in like-minds. It can happen. I am a better person for the long journey. Frankly, it took too damned long a time, but speaking up what I had on my mind, sharing and caring about others helped us find each other. Find someone else as truly, madly and deeply in love and they'll tell you the same thing.

I wish you love, peace and happiness. It is out there for anyone to find. For all who are searching, keep a smile on your face and see someone truly return it. Looks are the last thing to matter when two minds and hearts look deep into each other. The internet, for all it's faults, is a great way to look deeper, to realize that men and women both fear and need the same things out of life.

Thanks to other wars, the need to find a living, some land, flee oppression and more, people learned to write. Lovers often spent years distanced by oceans and writing each other. Some of them to become well-known for their poems and stories. Once together, they really did look deep into one another's eyes. Something they called a soul or soulmate or lover, often only for lack of another word in public, that they realized held their love alone shining back in those eyes.

Hokey as it may seem, the need for sweet, endearing, passionate and memorable words with real lovers never ceases, but listen ... do you hear them out in public always needing to say these words aloud. Just look into their eyes reflecting each other. There is no mistaking the look of love between two real lovers when they share it. There are intimate touches that are simple but recognized well by other lovers. See him take her hand, or pull