By muryan
Date: 2003 Apr 12
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The Case of Truth vs. Affection

Fighting to maintain control
Of everything I believe in
Fighting to breathe
Emotions choking the air
Perhaps I'll suffocate the battle inside
Fighting to be first place
'Cuz second hurts too bad.

Stand back a little while
Breathe in the neutral air
What is it I am fighting for?

Affections fight to remain true
But trust is on the stand.
Slowly it is being questioned
Refusing to commit perjury
It cannot lie.

Fighting a battle that is not seen
Fighting a battle that cannot be won.
Affections wounded
By trust's strong committment to the truth

Fighting to maintain control
When the battle is at a standstill.
Adversaries must part ways
Affections cannot stay
Trust... has been broken.