By Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 Apr 14
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it was a dark and stormy night
ya risked your electronics
ya counted on
the surge protector
something you trust now
more than
that old wallet pal ....

awwwww, jim,
ya been looking for love
in all the wrong places
(should I apologize to Garth here?)
trying to find it
between line breaks
and paragraph spaces

you come online
typo'd and beer'd
.... can't ya see ...
it's gonna get weird
man, don't ya see,
get the windex, dear

looking above
(and high and low)
in the wrong places
can't ya see
you've run out of graces
man, man (?) (you are, I hope)
don't ya see
it's got ya spewing lololol
on mouse-leashed paces

when ya used
the jack with the aces
betting on her
in first place
her mind works in snacks
and panic attacks
and you're just her first
you're the waste gone
to waist in this race

now who's come in last
kiss that asp
she got another name for you
too ... but that's in her chat 7-9 PM
come up smiling
come on, jim, don't ya see
wipe off that monitor
take a good look at me
ewwwwwwwww weeeee!
your gypsy princess tonight
and the roll-over, good morning
jeeeez, mama, what a fright !!

man, go take a break
gonna get heartburn
and then heartache
take a break
online, we're all a fake
undercover, nic-arama
this ain't real kharma

oh, and by the way
I'm taken, no fake'n
just wanted to see
you hit that back button
to take a look again
no three bars

try what other guys do
bowling for treasure
at the grocery
drop a few cans
and a smile

but be real good
at helping
with that cart, sweetheart
get the windex out and
tell her you also do
windows ... real ones!

(in person, we're all real)
... well, not that one
over there
or that one, jim ...
and ya better watch out
they still haven't
found that one's
last three husbands

yeah, you're safer behind
that glass ... but don't forget
there is someone out there
perfect just for you
and each time ya logon
she's somewhere there
just waiting
and waiting
and waiting
and waiting
and waiting

durn, jim ...
what are ya
waiting for?
fire that contraption up!!
time for me to shut up!

(c) stood-up no date available
Maggie "in your face" Mink
while Rennie's Busy Lorca

All in good fun.
You take care, Jim :)
Been sweet to see your
searching and honesty --
that is your honesty, right?
.................... ahhhh, Jim?

(c) 2003 Rennie Lorca

lol ... been reading too much of your state's "Needmore" Herrington ..... Rennie