By coujeaux
Date: 2003 Apr 16
Comment on this Work


Difference is the slight; making the way some love grotesque with groan of disbelief;
Asking who would subject themselves to this lifestyle that invites an eternity of grief?
High and mighty thinkers channeling their theorems down a tunnel of educated wind,
Or beating on copies of the gospel to hammer home points they're unable to defend.
Treat others as your own, but bed not with your like; it ends where open minds slam,
In public say you accept from all walks but under breath 'tis what you seek to damn.

I speak not from experience nor from indignation; I instead challenge prejudical ban,
Where is it written in common life today against women together, or in a man to man?
Unnatural, immoral, incomprehensible; to whom does this apply, they or your stance?
If the tables were turned on heterosexuality would you dare request an equal chance?
It isn't in what you see, but rather what you will not; flesh, blood, souls not unlike you,
But disagree with where they place a heart or some body part the discussion is through.

Righteous is perhaps the most relative term known; defined by creed or personal view,
It elevates the beholder above the scale by which he measures others; a towering true.
Preach your certainty if you must; pick one facet of a person to judge them as profane,
Erecting yet another barrier to a brotherhood our best example died trying to ascertain.
Shortest point between start and end is the straighter, but there's room enough to bend,
Save for those whose intolerance proves as rigid as themselves on the day of their end.