By Lulu
Date: 2003 Apr 25
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I've experienced all of these things many times..
But I never expected it from you.
I never expected you to be a lier.
We dont get along..
Everyone knows this..
We fight constantly..
But I never thought you would be as triffling as you really are.
You have proven to me how right I was when I never
trusted you.
I'm happy..
For once in my life I have someone that cares..
I have someone there for me
I'm smiling..
I'm enjoying life for once.
Then I find out your pullin this shit.
It looks like you could be happy for me..
Happy for all of us..Me, Him, Her.
But You arent.
You have to start something dont you?
I wonder...
How could she ever love anyone like you?
How could she love a lier?
I dont know..And I dont care.
I was thinking about all the times I could have ruined your relationship.
I was thinking about how all I had to do was pick up the phone and lie..
Lie like you have done...
And probably break the two of you up.
But I never did it..
I didnt lie to you..
I just didnt tell you anything.
You say you can get me to believe anything you want..
Well I can do the same.
I'm still a little blown away by this whole thing...
Its over-whelming to think someone you like the person you claimed to be could Lie the way you have.
But Its true..
the only thing thats true..
but its true.
So..After all of my outraged rambleing..
This sad excuse for poetry has a message.
I hope you find someone to treat you the way you have treated us.
I hope you find someone to lie to you, to spread rumors, turn your friends against you and threaten you.
I hope you find someone that will blow your mind..
that will make you believe in them..
even if you do hate them..
And then find out everythings a lie.
I hope you get smack in the face with every lie you have ever told.
And I hope you know..
As much as I hated you before..I hate you ten times more now. So thanks..For being an asshole..and good luck finding that person who is going to set you straight.