By Malu Lani
Date: 2003 Apr 28
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You came and took my heart away from me, but I was a willing giver.

We experienced the thing called love, but were we blind to reality?

I doesn't make sense how you can say you love me, yet beat me down with your words each and every day.

I'm never good enough, I've never done enough, I'll never be enough.

I love you with all of my heart, but I have priorities I need to pursue.

You only want to manipulate my time, want me to be with you and only you every second of every day.

I love you, but I can't devote my entire life to making you happy.

Maybe I'm not enough, but if I'm not now then I'll never be.

You've used me, manipulated me, impoverished me of all my time, money, and love for others.

Because of you, I've lied to friends, my family, myself.

It'll be hard to call it an end, for all that we've shared with each other.

All the laughter, all the happiness, all the sweet kisses, all the sweet endearments and looks will never be enough to sustain this relationship.  They will never be enough to cover up all the pain you've caused me, crying myself to sleep every night and many times in between night hours.

I'm sorry, but I have to let you go...maybe not forever, but for now, for sure.Goodbye.