By Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 Apr 29
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a bump to jim's EXIT WOUND II


sailor, I'll give you my little purple heart
hanging precariously from a string
(see you swing it like our relationship!)
with a fault crack no crazy glue's part
could fix, nor could anything.

you fired that cannon over my bow
and on me, made a direct hit
(durn, I only used a 9 MM on you!)
the medics could only say, "WOW!"
and the ambulance driver said, "*#%!"

a frustrated doctor in triage said quit
she's code blue, too far gone to save
(forgot some bodies blink back to life?)
but I grabbed him by his hairy armpit
promised him space next to my grave

he promised me all he could do
you should have seen that doc rave
(doc needed a crash cart / code blue!)
he even promised me he'd find you
and got more cocky than brave

but I'm too far gone from this battle
to think of love dealing with you
("heart pangs" on insurance won't do)
just give me stitches, stop the prattle
fill the hole in my heart with the glue

watch me find a hole harder to fill
a floating hole in the ocean for two
(can it get better in life or worse?!?)
a yacht with bottomless needs is real
and far easier to satisfy than you

(c) 2003 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca

jim, thanks for the fun and being such a good sport with these bumps each time ..... Rennie