By Kindred_Spirit49
Date: 2003 Apr 30
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I Needed You

Let me whisper to you
the secrets of my soul
that are concealed somewhere..
within the shadows  
of my yesterdays
.....tucked away
in the dark corners
and venturing forth
at will.. to mock
and tease
all my desires and visions

....and I needed you... want me... you blew kisses
to the children
playing in the alley
....and I wanted you....
as you walked down the path
with self confidence
thru the center of me
and when my world
turned upside down
I ran to your door...
seeking comfort within...
I wanted you..........
.............. to need me
and in my confusion
I squandered precious thoughts
........ on self pity
and self righteously
......all I wanted was you
but I came up empty handed