By none of the above
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 May 04
Comment on this Work



We've taken great liberties in verse
And at limericks we could get worse
We've come to define
We can't carry a line in a bucket online
And at romance, we're even worse cursed

We barely hit the style and form
Learn a bit more about it to conform
See how we stink (or is that stank?)
Make us walk the loveboat plank
Check * for the norm

Were our verse any good we'd sell it
But they're only good as a cyber bit
Oh buoy, she's pulling the plug
Jim, you've yanked out the rug
Shegalleon's had her last limerick fit !!

(c) 2003 Rennie (should I admit to this) Lorca ....
From all those bad limerick posts and comments asides,
pushing Maggie's head under one more time!

*a tidbit from them: "... light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines usually ... \Lim"er*ick\, n. [Said to be from a song with the same verse construction, current in Ireland, the refrain of which contains the place name Limerick.] ... nonsense poem of five anapestic lines, of which lines 1, 2, and 5 are of there feet, and rime, and lines 3 and 4 are of two feet ..." huh? et cetera.

Hey Kirk, where are those links (maybe added to Blender) some of us talked about way back on workshopping and how to write poetry?

Now Jim, knowing this info on limericks, do you really want me to bump your "carronade" line (in un mot a double entente/a deux ententes/double entendre -- wait! ... locks Elaine in her room) ... ??? I didn't think so :). Kirk would send us to the principal's office, and that headmaster would give us detention or make us permanent swabos. And Chances, my Captain says he won't mind giving you some sailng lessons, and teaching you some nautical terminology so you can make that seadog poet walk the plank ..... Rennie