trying to tie the anchor around jim
bump to too-much-fun jim ... thanks for the levity after these tornadoes!
ahoy, by your unwieldy retort
aye, see me get quite amused
arrgh, or something of the sort
I heard you tied up your muse
so was it to keep her rowing
... or did I not hear that right
overboard, she'll be throwing
you, not a line for the night !!
:) you have a way with women
that guarantees ya better float
cause soon you'll be swimmin'
or kicked off, or miss the boat!
you son of a ........... sailorboy,
the next crew might serve you
somewhere in uncharted seas
in coral growing on yer knees
when was the last time, note,
another pirate lady played fair
our lady crew can sink a boat
tonight after we braid our hair
plus, note the new little skirts
we wear, while your crew flirts
looks like your boarding party
has forgotten to load the "arty"
all's fair in love and typhoons
see crew hugging like spoons
wow, what a love zoo crew ...
and your muse signed on too!
better be good to who ya wrote
to that muse that built da boat
so hang on to that plank of oak
do remember coral can't float!
and your muse spread a rumor,
now her, she's got some humor
that you float me spam, ahem,
a creative ad on "coral calcium"
(c) 2003 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca