By AnnLeigh Clair McGREGOR aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 May 17
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Found on shredded pages
a little sad, in lonesome tidbits
still bound in loose strings

a distracting phone again rings
I return to paper fluttering:

instead, no tiny little house
guarded by a dragon, here
you're the paperdoll prince
cut out with pinking shears
bit rough around the edges

I'm a lover waiting patiently
but, I'm the paper princess
once ripped from that page
longing over your best kiss
dream big, let's play castle!

See me try to put all these
snippets together again ...

instead, I reach new paper
and start to write new "them"
some things can't be saved

(c) 2003 AnnLeigh Clair McGregor
aka Rennie Lorca

When life and love exists only on paper, or its equivalent. Too often, we live our lives in snippets, tidbits and quotes ..... Rennie