By Dylan Kwiatkowski
Date: 2003 May 20
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My Voice

I follow my heart through pages in time.
Notes scrawled on coffee house knapkins
read of happiness. Today I have found my
voice. It speaks volumes with my pen.
The darker the ink, the louder my voice
echoes in the night. Bouncing off walls,
sending vibrations scattering though the
room; pounding with the power of speakers
in a concert hall. The audience is
captivated by my flow. Jaws drop in awe
as I spit lyrics and rhyme. Guaranteed in
time to make you move and bounce to the
rhythem pulsing in your soul. My voice can
heal broken hearts. Teach a child to read,
and even whisper sweet sonnets in the ear
of the one I love. If my voice has
reached you in some way, then it has served
it's purpose. For it has taught your heart
to love again.