By Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2003 Jun 01
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AH, LITTLE (admirable) FISH

AH, LITTLE (admirable) FISH

I salute you, more talent discovered; and hug ya, no CPR, you recovered

ah, little fish, what's not to compute with fishing lines, the point is moot

what I want, no fish tales on scales or bigger fish all grown up, whales

or bullsharks in some bay far away needing play on lines just for today

when getting with this hook's point dang it, don't you go flee the joint!

can't remember a last time I kissed a fish; don't swim there when diss'd

fishing is such a great sport, a hobby while cooking the rice; find a floppy

I'd love to love you, just as you are -- well, sans scales, tail, (?) home bar

blup-blup-glub and blah, pffffiiiiffffit! lemme find the finer 'net and fix it !!

(c) 2003 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca