By SterlingRose
Date: 2003 Jun 11
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Barricades or Bridges

Writer's block is a vacant stage
an empty mind - an empty page
a vacant stare - a vacant  look
an ink-less pen, a pageless book

A lonely life causes some to write
with time to spare on a lonely night.
The pain of loss, the ache of heart
is the inspiration that fuels their art

The complete reverse holds true to some
they only write when romance has come
into their life - like a flower in spring
the thrill to write - only love can bring

And then the lucky - who always create
whether being alone or having a mate
their words resound effortlessly
like a river that flows in an endless sea

Writer's block is an empty place
a feature-less  person - who has no face
a ghost-town village - where you don't belong
a nightengale bird -  that has no song

Which are you - what inspires you to write ?
a lonely heart  -  or a lonely night ?
Or the sunshine rays from up above
from a happy heart that's filled with love?