By Davey Moore
Submitted by davey
Date: 2003 Jun 19
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O what surrenders we willingly make for that fleeting happiness, which comes fluttering about our hearts as warm as the sun,
Never failing to give us everlasting hope that the smiles casts, will never fade away and leave us with none.
How love tends to sneak in, in the morning like the sun, blinding us with all its shining light,
So blinded that noon storms move in without warning, leaving us alone on a cold dark stormy night.
With gentle smiles painted happy in my mind, I walked that lane of hope, overflowing at the brim,
Where the world smelled of roses still upon the vine, too late did I find what thorns embraced their stems?
Cast your heart to love, but you should keep life as your own, chance the sharing space and time,
Worldly goods and smiles, the waters of the unknown, but be not lost in it, it can consume your mind.
At which time the clouds of change roll through, and you find yourself lost and burdened with such weight,
That you believe there's nothing that you can do, that will bring earthly peace, other than the grave.
I can only forewarn those of you to keep yourself in check, but nothing can stop a heart burning with desire,
There's no stopping you; you will cast yourself, ever so willingly into the heat of love's glowing fire.
No words or deeds will stop you, because love conquers all, it takes control it is all you see,
While all along holding your fate at its beck and call, it owns you, no matter what you believe.
So to those of you, that has not survived unending sleepless nights, or that wink at this and say maybe you. Not us!
Don't suspect the nature of that bright and shining light, I can't teach you anything; you have to learn it all from love.

(c)2003 Davey Moore FindersRkeepers Publishing