in the light of the moon, I dwell tonight ...
we all have such tales to tell
but muse, in telling, what do we gain
still, I reach back a number of years
thinking once again without the pain
on another interesting afternoon
sharing some memories already
who knew I'd be the last one standing ....
as you were lying on a chaise in the yard
we talked of the old bitch, Eva, now gone
so were her puppies, and far more dogs
but we talked of how "eva" meant "life"
and more of what life was about
for each of us ... inspired, I went in
after we discussed Neruda and Salasin
to get a book, a new favorite from Allende
in her wisest alternate ego
on Eva Luna and her tales
and the one to read to you
about love, two little words
those two we wondered about at the time
in fascination over two words from them
still .... I still wonder even more
about what you murmurred then
(c) 2003 Rennie Lorca