By Willie Survive
Submitted by jwb71913
Date: 2003 Jul 13
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Non Existence

Having made the choice I've made
To deny your existence
I hereby declare you a non-being
You are only a wraith, a ghost

As of this day, you will not
Ever get any response from me
Positive or negative
You are gone from my life

You manipulate my emotions
Your voice causes great sorrow
Your whiny wienie bitching is really old
You You You

Everything is about you
Because it has to be
Because I do not exist for you
Except in fond dreams and masturbatory fantasies

Look. I am here, I have value, and worth
Don't lie in the dark with your vibrator and think of me
I can be loved, and can love
If you will only give me a chance

Sit with me by the lake
Let me hear the soft tones of your voice
Carrying over the water
We are made for each other

Tell me what you are thinking
Let the noise abate
Watch my tears
And love me

The sky is aflame with the colors of our passion
Deny this, and deny the breath of life
AS I deny your existence to my world