By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Jul 15
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The miles click by, and my thoughts are of you
Tracing the Mississippi at Mud Island
The little motel we stayed at that Christmas
Beale Street on a hot July night

Cold beer and hot music, dancing in the street
Making love in the pool, after heating up in the sauna
Hamburgers and beer, engagement ring, more dancing
Love and laughter and trust and love

Talking, sharing, living life
Trying to kill the demons of the past
Denying the existence of all others
Hiding in a haze of heat and music and alcohol

As I pass the nuclear plant,
I am reminded of the laughter and song
The joy of Christmas shared, though
The pain of the 'uninvite' still burned

And then, once across the Virginia line
A new adventure, unshared, unfettered
By memories of past trips, only
Dimmed by your absence

Do you think of me at all as you
Adventure yourself, do the memories
Ever return to your mind unbidden
And refuse to go away?