By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Aug 10
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Lucifer's Daughter

Why do I push when you come too close
Why do I skip your lips for your nose
Why do I fail to return your affection
It's really not you, I've lost my direction

So please be content to share my life
I never told you I was looking for wife
Until I let go of the trash that I carry
I'll never be able to love or to marry

You did not do this, so please don't be mad
At any of the countless women I've had
It's not their fault either, the fault lies with me
I resent what they've taken away you see

Oh sure, I've enjoyed their frequent attention
And lately I've seen you more times than I'll mention
Keep coming back, each day gets better
Until you send me a 'Dear John' letter

For then you'll just join the list of Jim's girls
The long list of users who lived in my world
Please do me favor before you post it
Call me an asshole, an unspeakable shit

Please make the break clean, don't come back and whine
Or ask me to meet you to share some wine
Cast me adrift without food or water
If you come back you are Lucifer's daughter