By Neverynuff
Date: 2003 Aug 13
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Not easily said

For all my mouthing off, you'd think I'd have something to say now.
You're waiting on my response, needing me to show you a sign.
But I'm intimidated, certain the truth is something you won't like.
(You always were the one with the sharpest thorns, you know.)

(For a second I can forget why we're standing here and just see your face and how your wavy hair frames it perfectly, one frizzy strand defiantly hanging directly in your gaze. I want to just stand here and love those steely blue eyes.  What things those eyes have seen that you couldn't tell, I'd wonder.  Your mystery, with your beauty and your complexity, how they drew me to you.)

Why were we both trying to save each other, when we needed to save ourselves?
Didn't either of us know better than that? It's been tried and failed before.

I see the cycle of hope and disillusionment, my life a ferris wheel carrying
     no one but me.
Back on the bottom, holding my head and wondering
what false idol will draw me upward next.
I'll be high enough to touch the stars for a time,
before they fade and dreams slip away.
Same old room, same old me, after all the change it seemed I'd made.
Same old nobody listening to this but I say it anyway.
Turn, turn, slowly, quietly goes the wheel.
It never stops for anyone else to get on.
It never stops for me to get off.

My demons, my fears, drove me to do you wrong.  Maybe yours did the same.
If we both weren't so warped and troubled by our lives, we'd have been
     great together.
But the worst thing for a broken person to do
is to hang on to another one.
I guess you learned that a long time ago.

So I say to you, it's alright.  There's nothing to explain.
But remember I love you, truly.  Which means I've always wanted what was
     best for you.