By darwin
Date: 2003 Aug 18
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atlas i am not

so the night was that perfect irradescent coloring across the water, and we had ice cream dripping from our noses.  our bodies bathed in peace and our feet submerged in water.  we spent a tumultuous weekend between arguing and the soft murmurings of "I love you's".  With the glaze of love in our eyes, and the sometimes spark of anger, calmed by a summers wind; we didn't even make love.  Sometimes I wonder at how much anger I can have toward you one moment, to find it dissapated in the next.  But there we were in the ultimate vacation spot, complete with little story book villages, and the shop next door, and the college age kids working in the local ice cream parlor for summer bucks.  I rock out to "Cecelia"  while we stand in line for ice cream, your just shaking your head at me, then pass a kiss onto my ear.  I think we are spent on energy sometimes, but then nature soothes me.  As it did in this case.  Nothing like a gorgeous sunset, to take my mind off of the cares of the world,  for atlas I am not.