By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Aug 22
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Mists and Dreams

The dawn comes, and soon I will board my azure chariot (with heated seats) to embark on the next leg of my journey.  The mists of the dawn will envelope me, and I will fly to your arms as if on a magic carpet.  The words will come hard for me, the secret is known, but unsaid.  The winding road will become straight as Cupid's arrow as the heat of the sun burns away the mist, and the way to my future will be made clear.  You have waited, and I thank you, as my fruitless wanderings have moved me first towards, then away from you.

No more will I pursue the ghosts of my past with the passion which by rights should be yours.  Ghosts cannot be held, or touched, only pitied for they cannot ever regain the form or shape once known.  Shells of people are just that, inert objects washed up on the shore along with the occasional treasure.

The rainbow has an end, and it is you.