By Gentle Wind
Submitted by mkbs1978
Date: 2003 Aug 25
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Our tears has reached the sea. I give you the wind for your sail. Navigate east, west, north or south. This choice I freely give to you to make. Your compass never had the option to operate. The magnetic fields were misplaced or removed from your sights. Your vessel toss wildly on the ocean of life. Encounters with violent storms, damaging winds and strong towing currents. Kept your vessel wandering aimless, with no land in sight. Bits and pieces were removed from the great vessel. Gaping wounds almost made it impossible to float. Like the true Captain you are, you are still searching. Looking for land or the safe harbor to dock your vessel. Let your compass do its job, let it operate the way it knows how. Guilding you in the right direction for all your repairs. It won't lead you wrong, the magnetic fields are in place. It will lead you to the calm waters you yearn for. The gentle wind has found your sail. The horizon is before you. This is where your journey begins.