By Passion_Painter
Date: 2003 Sep 16
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* Violet CandleLight *

Many evenings I have wondered,
if I had a chance to spend
just one more day with you,
how would we spend it ?
What would I do?
Perhaps we would go to dinner,
under violet candlelight
to a movie,
or walk along the beach,
maybe we'd fly a kite
play with a kitten,
or visit a zoo.
there's so much we could do.
I'd take you out to dance
and hold you close under the stars.
I'd  tell you everything I had
forgotten to say before.
I'd stare into your eyes,
until your lids became weary of my gaze.
In a trance; under my spell
I'd caress your skin
and wear your will thin.
When the sun set upon our stage;
I'd carry you to my bed
stitch our love with silken thread
till your speech begins to slur
as you moan as never before
where the only words
you will be able to say
is my name and simply "more".