By xoxo
Date: 2003 Sep 28
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Hay Beds

You know how some things in life get to you?
You know, like addictions and stuff.
Like, not quitting smoking, all along knowing the
harmful side effects and blah, blah, blah.
Or self-obsessing over the smallest things
that tend to consume you.
Well, that was how it was with me and Case.
Yes, that's his name.
Case and I were like peas and carrots.
Always joined, always wishing for more.
We'd argue, kiss, make up.
Same old song, same old story, ya know?
Sad day it was, when we confronted those
small town fears, after sex on a crunchy bed of hay.
Yes hay, I did say we were in a small town.
Sometimes when I have an itch
I remember laying on those scratchy hay beds
where we dreamed, screwed, kissed, fought, and found life.