By blakey
Date: 2003 Sep 28
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19 minutes if, by a careless motion, I had knocked the prize winning rose off of the sun-drenched window sill. For a brief moment, my heart stopped along with my breathing, maybe because if I stayed motionless, time itself would follow suit. Before I could respond, I grieved to see it land smartly on the polished marble floor, staying completely intact but, bruising the perfectly shaped petals that are the admiration of so many. I stared at result of my actions, "My God, what have I done?". My stomach became hollow and my mouth went dry. How could I have done this? Never in my life have I been so remorseful. As I stooped to cradle this innocent victim, I attempted to gently grasp the focus of my admiration, the very icon my soul longed to see first thing in the morning and last in the evening. So much pleasure it has brought me, and now this. Is it damaged beyond recovery? Trembling, I set it upright to examine the extent of my blunder. Returning it to its warm place in the sun, I took a step back. To the common eye, everything seemed to be as normal, perfectly poised, discretely announcing its presence by a pleasant fragrance, pleasing to all who encountered it. Only I knew of the strife that it has been through - internally bruised, betrayed by the one who wants nothing more than a perfect environment for her to thrive in. Time, the villain that I couldn't stop to keep this travesty from happening in the first place, has now become my savior in healing the wound of the object of my passion.


- T