By coujeaux
Date: 2003 Oct 07
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Arise; from insinuation shackles and the comfortable world always known she'll leave,
Thrown open doors before shocked, judgmental boors reasoning if she'll really grieve.
Paired azure skies, familiar sun; surely she's not the only one who desired to be free,
It is worth living other illusions of your dream believing there's so much more to see?
As she's walking everyone is talking, throwing insults; think of the abandoned behind,
Further away, she whispers to herself no answers ever come to the complacent mind.

Her eyes drink of colours now vibrant as never before, weary of greys in polite decay,
She can dance now to the rhythm that only she ever heard, that sweet ingenue sway.
The winds seem to fête her as newfound territories greet her; oh, what she's missed,
Not a moment too soon to lay naked under peekaboo moon for once-forbidden tryst.
Come the dawn, wispy tendril grass warms an unchained lass; new memories aglow,
She's spread her wings, opened up to many things staying would never let her know.

Adventures continued; then hunger pangs like persistent boomerangs, empty of nest,
Gone so far so fast she'd sated her wanderlust at last, returns to what she loved best.
But many things had changed since her priorities rearranged; her home was not here,
For when she turned away one thing she could never say is what did she most revere?
Wishes; precious pearls before swine, in them all becomes divine; compare to contrast,
Consider what you dare against what isn't there except in opportunities already passed.