By Ali
Date: 2003 Nov 29
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Blue into the Distance

I'm a little hard to handle now--
And this fine line keeps getting finer.
I'm losing touch, losing my resistance,
My broken feelings revived.  I don't remember
The last words you said to me,
I don't remember the last tear I let fall,
Blue into the distance of a silent smile--
Last night, I heard myself singing,
And I was singing about you;
You're just a little hard to handle now.

Broken arrow smiles--Eros
Has some explaining to do. I keep walking
Too far over; I keep falling
Too hard and too heavy at your feet--
Last time you forgot to catch me,
But I'm cheating the system now, I suppose.
Covered by, undercover, a victim
Of Grace--one kiss, one miss,
And I'm dreaming again, living
Dangerously close to my undoing,
But I don't mind the blue possibilities,
I've forgotten those broken arrow smiles,
And this isn't so hard to handle now.