By jwb71913
Date: 2003 Dec 02
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Christmas Wishes

Hi you, it's been so long since we talked
Hey baby, do you remember the day we walked
So close without touching, sparks flying between
You gave me that look, the one I had never seen

Candles and Santas, soap and glass
I know you wanted to grab my ass
We sent the boy shopping so we could walk
Alone together, a brief moment to talk

Three years later, the roses are dead
And I'm struggling to get you out of my head
The moments are weaker, and don't last as long
I've always got blues night to sing my old song

First Christmas without you in a very long while
I'm sorry that I won't see your sweet smile
Not sorry for choices that we both have made
I hope that your daddy keeps you made in the shade

I'll dance in Chicago with a few old friends
And dine on mousakka where the alley ends
Drink fine wine with family and open my treasures
And maybe an old friend will share her pleasures

I hope you choke on your east Texas dust
Christmas wish for you is total loss of trust
In fact, I wish that your heart would explode
That he will flush you like a dead fish down commode