By coujeaux
Date: 2003 Dec 05
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Moments, Late

Turned the bottle over, genie's gone fishin'; it left me three-wishin' on two stars fresh burndead,
Instant I grabbed up leprechaun the greensuit bastard rambled on 'bout hardwork virtue instead.
Kick wayward women to the curb when their dedication became a verb; billions yet to be served,
I can look past a pretty face when everything else proves a disgrace; who am I to be unnerved?
You want answers, here's a book; give everything a second look 'cause I sure as hell don't know,
Those who think they're so smart, let their asses get torn apart by life's way of saying told you so.

Sit down, let's share humble pie; here's hymen in your eye, serves you right for wanna get some,
Gettin' tired of the game show crotch and needless intellectual hopscotch required once she come.
Wish it were simple as hello, goodbye, don't say it or else I'll cry; beat your chest, feelin' no pain,
But if you're a renaissance man, your ears get included in the plan; goin' against chauvinist grain.
Diver takes a deep breath, kneedeep, commit; these are best odds you get, choose one over two,
Best of both, or so I thought; ah, complications, I almost forgot, old habits die hard, but for who?

Here's where I stand on possibility of supplying demand; my hands, capable, ain't goin' out there,
'Cause when a man gets touch of when it doesn't require too much he's liable to stay laissez-faire.
Double decisions mean no winners in consenting commerce of sinners; give up a two times three?
If it means surrendering the ease of doing it as we please, I imagine that's the way it'll have to be.
Warning signs around me never cease to confound me, though I've always figured it'll be resolved,
It ain't easy to live by moments, late; one step away from something great and never too involved.