By CordovaGirl
Date: 2003 Dec 25
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Smalltown and Las Vegas

In the past month, I have come to the full realization that there is ALWAYS room for improvement, especially when it comes to romance.
     No one ever figures out a dead-end relationship until the truth is staring them in the face. I finally figured it out and found what I was really looking for as a result. It's as if I was driving down a dark road I was certain was right, until I read a sign that said Smalltown 2 mi., when I wanted Las Vegas. And then I thought, why hadn't I listened to everyone in the first place? Hadn't I seen the other signs? I'd been driving and blinding myself from everything in the mirrors, staring straight ahead as if on some mission to prove something that even I wasn't so sure about. But for me it was the safe route, and I figured I'd get the happy ending I had imagined in Las Vegas.
    But driving endless hours gets tiring, so I decided to try Smalltown for a while. And you know, I really began to love the quietness and the realness. Suddenly things cleared, and I realized how fake Las Vegas had become to me. I had been driving towards this dream of a perfect city: the glamour, the excitement, and the challenge. And then for a split second, I thought wait! Maybe I don't want Las Vegas. Maybe Smalltown was where I should have been all along, not a place where the roads never sleep and neither does the population. Everything happens for a reason, and losing direction actually set me on the right track toward my happy ending.
     I've been living in Smalltown for a little over a month now, and everyday seems better than the last. Sometimes, I think about how long I drove to be with a place I would have probably left the very same day. I don't need Las Vegas. I spent too many long nights debating over that city with Edy's.
As in the words of some great Hallmark card genius, "Sometimes on the way to a dream, we get lost and find a better one."

It just took that wrong turn to find him. =)