By Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca
Submitted by RennieLorca
Date: 2004 Feb 06
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well, LOVE equals LIFE to me
when I don't love life
what is left? you?
If I don't love my life
how can you love me?
you might
but what is it you are loving?
maybe it is the idea of fixing
what you think is broken
but how can you turn the light back on
or rewire the soul of a house that is empty
you have no (four letter ahead) home in me
so you curse the day, the pain, even me
for existing in a sorry state of disrepair
when you should have pitched a tent
beside a peaceful river
but you, you will design a dam
you will put rip-rap along the banks
and eventually build an amusement park
for you are intent on making people happy
(another four letter word included here)
damn yourself by being intent
on fixing things,
which to some, are not broken

(c) 2004 Maggie Mink aka Rennie Lorca