By Mysteriousone07
Date: 2004 Feb 21
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Those Were The Days

We were together side by side
Enjoying one another's company
Making each other smile and laugh
Looking into each other's eyes
He has me wrapped around his arms
Those were the days

He was there wherever I go
He never wanted me out of his sight
Enjoying my company
We do everything together
We make each other happy
Those were the days

We would have long conversation
Over the internet
I would call you whenever possible
And you wait patiently
I would be in your mind
Those were the days

Now all we do is fuss and fight
Screaming and yelling
Argued for the past six months
After we made true love
Things certainly has changed
Certainly when we get to see each other
Two to three times in a week

I go out of my way
To come down and see him
Be with him
The way he used to be
The way he used to do things with me
I feel that when we made love
He lost interest

He lost interest in the relationship
He felt farther away from me
All he ever does is go see his friends
To play video games
Stay up all night, next morning
When he can't even do that with me
What's happened to him?
Why does he always want his friends
But not me?

Over the phone
As I talk to him
He fall right to sleep
Makes me feel I bore him
He does other things as we talk
Making me feel worse, angry
I don't know what he wants anymore

He wants to spend more time
With his friends
That way he is willing
To want to spend time with me
And to come by and see me
I don't know what has happened
Does he still love me?
Does he still have the same feelings?
What happened to those days?

His friends are more important
He makes me feel that way
I do more things in our relationship
He does more "fun" things with his friends
I never crossed his mind

I put more effort in "us"
I give more in "us"
Where is his share on this?
I'm getting tired

I wish we could go back
Feel the way I used to
Loved it how it was before
The warmth I used to feel
The love I used to see
And receive back
Happiness we share and give

Those were the days