By Mysteriousone07
Date: 2004 Feb 22
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A Different Man

He looks gentle and charming
My heart warms up
My body shakes within
His brown eyes catches my attention
His smile brings joy
His presence is a sign of comfort
When I'm around
He is such a gentleman

He looks at me tenderly
He speaks with love and security
He acts exactly as a fiance
And the man I will marry
The type of man I know he could be
My surroundings begins to bloom
No obstacle could ever occur

Every time I come over
He always treats me good
Treats me kindly with respect
How a fiance would
I'm grateful to be with him
I have no worries of marrying him
But other incidents happen
When I step foot out that door

Once I turn my back
Next day things starts to fall apart
We argue about the same issue
A never ending issue
He becomes and act as a different man

He yells and screams
Causes me to do the same
Causes my heart to burn with pain
Tears starts to pour
Pain starts to kick in

Call him back to tell him off
Tell him I'm not taking it
Tell him I've had enough of his bull
Tell him to listen
But he never listens
All he does is hang up
Foolish of me to keep coming back

Sleepless nights
Trying to understand
Why exactly he transform
From being so caring
A loving fiance
To a completely different man
He does not see
He does not know
He does not completely understand
If he did, he has not done anything about it

I can't go back and forth
I need him back
The man I used to know
The man who treated me right
But right now
Nothing will change yet
For I can only image
A totally different man