By Violet
Date: 2004 Feb 23
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A love note to my husband

when i first saw you, i thought you looked like the sweetest guy in the world. Your green eyes were so beautiful and shocking.  i liked how organized you had all of your papers, and how you would whisper the page number to me when i dashed in late to french class. (on the days i showed up)  in hindsight, i think i made you nervous. i called my mother and told her that i'd met the guy i was going to marry.  she told me to stop dating so many boys.  she said i would get a reputation.  i told her to wait and see.  

and sure enough, three years and two months later, you and i stood under the summer sky and fresh green trees and gave ourselves to each other.  my mother was radiant with happiness.  your parents looked so proud.  i felt like royalty in my satin gown, and you were so handsome.  we danced until my high heeled feet sunk deep into the lawn.  we laughed and smiled for pictures until our cheeks stung.  we kissed, and loved and began a new life in a whirlwind of flashbulbs and flowers and lavender scented rice.  we were finally one.

now, when i look at you, i can't believe you're mine.  you're the same boy from french class, and you're not.  there are days when i think you're crazy.  hell, there are days when i feel like i'm crazy. we've fought several times already, but we still laugh every day.  we have wars with the covers at night and we rarely see each other during the day with our hectic schedules.  but somehow, this feels like the life i was meant to live. my head fits on your shoulder and my heart fits in your hand. i am looking forward to a future of chubby cheeked toddlers and arguments about paint colors.  i will love you and your green eyes until the end of time.