By corinna
Date: 2004 Feb 28
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The Phone Call

You finally called me tonight
I've been waiting for this day
I thought I'd have a speech prepared
Since I have so much to say

But I just spilled my heart out
Whatever would make it cool
But maybe I said some wrong things
And just made myself look more a fool

You told me you weren't mad
You said that you didn't hate me
But told me I felt more than you
And that you never wanted to date me

Maybe not in those words
But that was basically the jist
Despite what may have been said
I was slightly relieved by this

I guess just the fact that you called
Meant that I was on your mind
That somehow you were bothered
Or maybe you've been thinking for some time

Our conversation got cut short
We said that one of us would call back
I had no intention to and neither did you
So we kind of just left it at that.

It's a start to ending the silence
It was a step toward closure for me
Maybe we'll never speak again
But time will tell what is to be
