By cire nehtrow
Date: 2004 Mar 04
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Versions Three

She keeps versions of herself in different hearts
Different parts of who she wants to be
Of who she wishes she was and is
Of who she wants no one to see

Her self-reflection she hides from most
She needs others impressions to fill her own
"I am who you want me to be, and how you make me feel."

Playing dress up, lipstick and mascara
Making faces, and posing, to mirrors and to Mom
Little girls in woman's pumps,
Practicing to break true lovers hearts.

Stroke my ego, lust after my form,
I'll give in to false love and lies
It builds me a new me to be me
A new version of myself to pose and sigh.

To cry over the consequences of my others actions
That version that someone else made me be
The self-reflection I didn't want you to see
The whole of myself I can't accept is me.