By RennieLorca
Date: 2004 Mar 11
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Changingshapes: SHEWOLF

I know what it is to really live with wolves
to be an alpha loba to Sasha, Leah
and the devoted, unmated omega Rau

and a husband as cultured feral as any
mankind could have ever produced
so that some nights past the guard hairs

I looked for the amber glow I believed
hidden in his eyes, gave my needs away
yawn and stretch, tilting my alpha crown

for in my eyes are amber tints in hazel
strength and cunning to hunt and feast
from woods to hearth and home and him

(c) 2002-2004 Rennie Lorca

Forever Unleashed: SHEWOLF

Rau stood, tilted his head and howled
and you, in awe, pledged to do that....
instead, I was the one to join his song

in the end, I was the one to befriend
to sit beside the mighty beast in relief
against a moonlit crisp, cold night sky

to feel the power and delight in sharing
peacefully while you struggled in fright
in loveless demons and restless nights

while I took comfort in sitting by him
you sank beyond reach into the deep
long nights of no return and lost sleep

(c) 2004 Rennie Lorca

Thanks to glo-po and Diane di Prima for the inspiration in me searching and pulling out these verses once again to tweak and submit some of them. I've had the pleasure of permission to post some of my dear friend's glo's verses in my Blender account. Her lifelong friend di Pri's metaphorical shewolf verses are very famous, while mine are only whim. However, Rau, Leah and Sasha were real wolves I owned and kept for many and enough years to learn some far different lessons about them than the fairytales or common theories written today. A husband can also be just as misunderstood. Still, with love, I tried. In retrospect, a shewolf now a freewolf to tell the tales ..... Rennie