By Kase!
Date: 2004 Mar 15
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The Morning After

   Most "mornings after" consist of a partner waking up, and while the other person sleeps, sliping into whatever remains of clothing can be found.  You hope the door doesn't creak, the dog doesn't bark, and you don't trip over your own feet. If you're lucky, you can make a clean escape to your car, let it roll down the driveway in neutral, and the neighbors and the mailman will never remember seeing you.  Basically, it's the way a murderer will creep away from a crime scene. Maybe, if you're lucky, that person won't call your and leave you fifty voicemails.  You know that next weekend you'll have to go to a different club, alas you'll be recognized by the Hobgoblin from the previous week.
   The funny thing is, you gave me a new prespective on "mornings after".  Instead of slipping away, I rolled over and slipped into your arms. You looked at me and told me how beautiful my tangled hair and sleep-encrusted eyes were.  We kissed and mixed morning breath and tounges and limbs and our heartbeats.  I got an "I love you" instead of an "I'll call you".  And you know what?  Almost two years later, I still love waking up with you "the morning after".