By ladyinwaiting
Date: 2004 Mar 16
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I promised myself long ago he would be something of my past. A past place where I could run through pastures of memories, the softness of his touch warming me with the sunrays of life, the moisture of his kisses like a soft summer drizzle.
The invitation of his smile broke the barricade of my resistance and I soon found myself wrapped in the warmth of his presence. Reality whispered you can never recapture what you once had, but I found myself giggling and pretending that it was all new and fresh again, for that brief moment it was real, as we sat there visiting over coffee. I realized he was the sugar I added and the thickness of the cream would soon follow. As our eyes met, I saw myself swimming in the green pools of his depth and I was drowning, wishing for someone to toss me a life preserver before I went down for the last time.