By Malu Lani
Date: 2004 Mar 21
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This Audacious Shirt

This shirt was bought one summer when I was working hard 24 hours a day, 6 days a week.

This shirt was with me during all of those long tedious days of sweating in the sun.

This shirt was with me when I got to get off the camp grounds and experience life away from the sheltering gates.

This shirt represented freedom, represented letting go of my inhibitions and throwing caution to the wind.

This shirt was my first "daring" piece of clothing, because it is backless.

This shirt was with me when I took my first ever non-chaperoned road trip to see my first love in Texas.

This shirt was with me when I let go of my fears and sang in my first love's church.

This shirt was with me when that first love sizzled out because of selfishness.

This shirt was with me when I went on my first real date with my second love.

This shirt will be with me tonight when an end is coming to my second love.

It was there in both cases through the sweaty-palmed, tongue-tied moments.  It was there in both cases through the happiness, laughter, anger, and tears.

This shirt was with me on my first ever night to go dancing with my friends and experienced the 5-inch layer of impenetrable secondhand smoke.

This shirt has seen more of me, than people who have known me for years.  We have been through a lot, but this shirt has aided my growing up process.

This shirt explains me and completes me.