By darwin
Date: 2004 Apr 08
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down the street one day

I thought I saw you one time, when I was driving with him down my side street.  I turned around, my sleeve caught in the cup holder in the middle.  And you passed by in your beat up explorer, from 80 something.  I wondered why you were driving here of all days, the days when I decided I was staying with someone NO MATTER WHAT.  Those words in my mind, a passage of truth somewhere.  A barrier I had finally crossed, no matter what.  NO matter the fighting, the screams, because beneath all the anger and hostility we knew that somehow our hearts were meetings.  I saw you that day.  I still think about you sometimes, because at some point though we had occasionally screwed, we became friends.  And I felt like I wasn't the only one whose heart was searching for something. I wonder if you knew this, that through the cruelties of life, your tenderness mattered.  The fact that you called me beautiful, mattered.  So you were 20 years older, you had those sad eyes.  The eyes of those who have seen and know too much.