By iLYd
Date: 2004 Apr 08
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I need to know!

If I could only explain to you how I really feel when we are together. I hope I haven't completely turned you away from me, you were very distant this week.  I spend way to much time thinking about you and way to much time wanting to be with you.  Why can't I let go, but then why wouldn't it work.  That comfortable spot is taking it's toll, I am tired of living a lie. I want to be with you. Please consider the possiblity of us in the future, if I just had the slightest idea that this was more than just a happy fling and someday we could really be happy together, than living the lie, would be so much more easier to live. It really hurt to find out that you had never thought of being with me. I don't know alot about your side steps yet, but I do know that you have thought about us together that way. The words are very important and yes I have said them and being with you did change my life and if I hadn't felt those words from the heart, I would not have been there.  Should I cut bait, as a dear friend suggested, and move on? I need to know, and if we should continue on as is, I just need only small reassurances that you do care and that a possible future for us is in store someday.