By iLYd
Date: 2004 Apr 17
Comment on this Work

Play no games

Jealous am not
And will never be
I am not your wife as you can see
Play no games for I am too old
These endless looks of ha ha ha
Can only be compared to la-de-dah, la-de-dah
So if you think that these little looks are hurting
Think again sweetheart
They are only considered as flirting
Distance between us should be considered
Instead of the latter
Because what would it matter
If love that we make should ever be discussed
I will find the words to discourage the sought after lust
I love you with all my heart and have almost from the start
Should you want to continue this story?
Then I need to hear that I am more than a rag doll toy
I need not just to hear that I can never love you
To do so would not fuel the fire
Perhaps it would swing the hearts desires
In an opposite direction, in which would probably be okay with you
I just can't find a way to leave the words I say
Because I hope to hear them from you somehow, someday
So don't go telling me of what I can't do
These things I say are completely true
Lovers are lovers but it does take two
I just need you to need me like I need you.