the date has so much significance for me
and the reminder from another's poetry
how that date comes 'round every year
when I can't help but shed another tear
in remembering a husband's third Purple
my own time down the same day, cull
when things quit rhyming or reasoning
and that coma, my motor nerves seizing
each day on the calendar brought more
holidays, anniversaries, memories for
we all have need of remembrances still
with notations and scribbling memo until
addiction? this remembering, I'm a rock
trying to forget the old I mark a new box
I realize cold ink and paper pale beside
what I chart now as I let you help decide
should we stay shackled by dates always
or out enjoying what we have of our days
so you answer with just the sweetest kiss
making me forget the date, year, any list!
(c) 2004 Ali Cecilie Sonder aka Rennie Lorca