By silly gurl
Date: 2004 Apr 25
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it was good to see you again

i'm sitting here by the river alone
watching the water tumble through and around the ice
ponder how, on suck a warm day, the water and sun
doesnt melt the blue ice away
i don't think i've ever seen the waterfall in the winter
but i can instantly recall every minute spent
having meandered over the paved path
between the dotted trees, croaning ducks and gease
in the warm summer evenings full of mosquitos
embracing him at the end of the path
on the floating dock below the bank and ladder
watching the fish jump through ripples
and sillowets walking the dimly lit path below the bridge
as they strolled hand in hand unwittingly
being watched with our wandering eyes
mostly after work he'd come to meet me
on the splintery dock
we'd eat our take-out on the
fuzzy blanket thrown hastily over the wood
dipping up and down gently
staring out into the dusk
simply to be close to one another
it puzzles me now, that although i remember holding hands
i can not recall if kisses were given here
i did wrap my arms around him and brush my ckeek against his
but how often did i tell him "i love you" outloud
or casually show affection around others
to show him i was not affraid
Even though i want to remember every second,
i believe its been too long.