By iLYd
Date: 2004 May 08
Comment on this Work

I'm causing unnecessary pain

Tonight's little gathering was too much for me. I have obviously given too much effort to a seemingly no end situation and in turn have completely managed to mess myself up. You could have stayed; the excuse of the vehicle was a total cop out and ok you were tired, I too had gotten up early and the fact that you said you would call and you didn't well that's another story. You could have at least sat down,relaxed,talked,fell asleep, hell I didn't care. All I wanted to do was be with you.  JUST YOU! We could have even gone somewhere else. Words cannot express how I am feeling right now. I'm angry and it hurts. You don't have a clue about me? Do you. Perhaps you thought this was all a game?  I am so stupid to have thought we had something, something that could have been quite special. I just wish you could see it too.  Let me tell you something, I would go anywhere and do anything possible for you.  This is NO GAME and there's no mistake about how I feel, but without one plus one, you can't arrive at two!