By Mysteriousone07
Date: 2004 May 20
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While You're Sleeping

As you lay there on your bed
As you lay there sleeping
Here I am awake
Writing these poems
Listening to love songs
Bringing me down emotionally
Hurting me physically

As I write down these feelings
You're lying there in peace
Not knowing what's going on
On the other side
Not knowing what I'm doing

I'm so tired but I have to keep going
I'm still awake
So I could just spend this moment
Of you being on the phone
To feel you near me
To feel that same feeling
When you're still with me

While you're sleeping
I'm writing these sad poems
Listening to love songs

While you're sleeping
I'm hurting more than you know
But you don't know

While you're sleeping
My heart is burning in pain
My eyes is shedding tears
But you can't hear
You don't have a clue
What's going on inside of me
If only you could see

While you're sleeping
I'm here still on the phone
Just to hear you sleep
Just to have you here with me

While you're sleeping
You make me happy
By staying on the line

While you're sleeping
I'm hoping you'll come back to me
Tell me this is not real
It was all a dream

While you're sleeping
I pray to God for you to be with me

While you're sleeping